Canada, Sweden / 104 min / 2013
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In the deep jungle of the Congo, untouched by civilisation, live the Aka, a tribe of pygmies. This unique documentary by Swedish filmmaker Linda Västrik, who lived among the Aka from 2005 to 2012, captures the fascinating life of this hunter-gatherer tribe.
In the deep jungle of the Congo, untouched by civilisation, live the Aka, a tribe of pygmies. This unique documentary by Swedish filmmaker Linda Västrik, who lived among the Aka from 2005 to 2012, captures the fascinating life of this hunter-gatherer tribe. It is a life governed by magical rituals, myths and traditions just as it was centuries ago. Against the background of the personal story of couple Akaya and Kengole, whose greatest desire is to have children of their own, is a depiction of the harmony of human coexistence with the jungle, the source of all life and death. But thanks to the plans of the state forestry company, this coexistence will probably be short-lived.
Directed By:
Linda Västrik
Country of Origin:
Canada, Sweden
104 min
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