

Czechia / 31 min / 2010

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Director Martin Řezníček finds evidence of the unethical practices of loan companies and the impact those practices have on specific debtors, the majority of whom come from low-income groups.

About the Film

"They want 300,000 CZK from me for signing something, even though I didn't take any money from them," says one woman in the documentary Shitcredit. Like many others, she was enticed by the possibility of a quick and easy loan. Even though she changed her mind about the whole transaction and withdrew from the credit contract, the disadvantageous conditions of the agreement enabled the loan company to seize her home. Director Martin Řezníček finds evidence of the unethical practices of such companies and the impact those practices have on specific debtors, the majority of whom come from low-income groups. Against the backdrop of a poorly regulated loans market, one late payment can mean years of regular income for creditors - despite the fact those who owe them money have no property. As well as the central theme of modern-day loan-sharking, this documentary, produced by People in Need, focuses attention on poverty and social exclusion.

Directed By: 

Martin Řezníček

Country of Origin: 



2010, 31 min


31 min


Czech Documentaries

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