žena v zasněženém lese věší kyblíky na stromy

Sovereign Soil

Canada / 91 min / 2019

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A community in subarctic Canada faces the challenge of obtaining even the most basic farm products on a daily basis. However, despite all of the difficulties and emerging environmental changes, they want to maintain their freedom and way of life.

About the Film

Growing even the least demanding of crops in snow-covered, frozen, or, at best, merely swampy soil poses a challenge but is not impossible. This film, which visits some of the northern hemisphere’s most resolute growers, is evidence. But even this expedition to the furthest boundaries of civilisation does not distance itself from global problems, as the environmental crisis starts to endanger even the local carefully tested procedures. The laboriously established balance between human needs and nature may soon shatter.

Directed By: 

David Curtis

Country of Origin: 





91 min




English friendly

  • žena v zasněženém lese věší kyblíky na stromy
  • muž v teplé čepici na pozadí zasněžené krajiny
  • pohled na zoranou půdu uprostřed zalesněné krajiny
  • muž sedí před srubem s tyčí v ruce a nářadím vedle sebe
  • usmívající se žena sedí uprostřed zeleně skleníku
  • muž a žena sedí na židlích na zahradě
  • muž fotí větve stromu na telefon

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