muž a žena sedí na gauči před kamerou

Verified Couple

Germany / 74 min / 2022

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Nico and Jamie are a young German couple who make amateur porn videos for a living. Their controversial profession provides them with a seemingly fabulous life in a tax haven.

About the Film

At first glance, Nico and Jamie are not much different from other influencers. At a young age, Nico already understood how the world of business works in a social networking environment that only requires a mobile phone and the internet. Together with Jamie, they now live their dream life in a house in Cyprus, surrounded by luxury and designer goods. The porn industry remains one of the most profitable in the world – just lose your shame and follow the trends. German director Joscha Bongard originally wanted to make a sex-positive portrait of the everyday life of amateur porn stars. But the result is a formally imaginative film that highlights the toxicity of a relationship dominated by gender stereotypes through non-chronological skips in the footage. *The film contains explicit sex scenes.

Directed By: 

Joscha Bongard

Country of Origin: 





74 min


Czech, English


English friendly

  • muž fotí ženu mezi dvěma auty
  • muž a žena se dívají na telefon

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